
Pigeons is one bird that people liked. The reason people want to keep it as easy domesticated pigeons. Behind all of that, there are some interesting facts owned pigeons.

In 3000 BC, the oldest dove images discovered by archaeologists in Iraq. In the 17th century, all the pigeon droppings considered to belong to the crown in England and pigeon droppings are used to trap one of the ingredients of gunpowder. Pigeons very good eyesight. They can distinguish colors and can even see ultraviolet light that humans can not see. With advantages in terms of the vision, pigeons are often used as a tool in search and rescue missions humans. There is also the use of pigeons as a means of communication in the war and until now there are still some soldiers who keep pigeons.

Queen Elizabeth has a lot of pigeons at his home in Sandringham, Norfolk. pigeons regarded as a sacred bird in Sikhism and to feed the pigeons, we considered doing a virtue that will bring blessing. Pigeons eat them hatch - lings with secretion called pigeon milk. Both men and women produce it.

Pigeons and doves constitute the bird family together Columbidae . Although the terms " dove " and " pigeon " are used interchangeably, but there is little difference between the two . Doves are smaller species while larger species are called pigeons.

Pigeons used as a source of communication in establishing a network of pigeon lofts throughout Europe for this purpose by the Rothschild family in the early 1800s. As a result, this method proved to be faster, safer and help them in increasing the amount of their wealth.

Owls, weasels and hawks among common predators in the north. Cats are common predators of pigeons on the ground. They can reach puberty when they are about six months old and can live for 10 to 15 years.