8 Tips on Successfully Maintaining Owls (Part 1)

If you later have mastered the techniques of maintenance/care and how to train owls, it is not possible to change your mind to become a breeder, or even an owl printer-trained owls that have high sales value.

Currently the most popular owl, which is kind of a barn owl (Tyto alba), sold for $ 350 - $ 750 /pair, male and female, aged 8 months. For puppies age 2 months, the price varies from $ 25 - $ 40. If the adult, and has been trained, the price could be over USD 10 million per head.

One thing that must be considered, owls are prone to stress, often leading to death even if we are negligent in their care. Therefore, any type of owls should be treated appropriately and optimally so that the birds can live longer, and provide many benefits for you and your family.

Also, do not ever treat the owl as a bird chirp, who every day are always in the cage. This is one reason why owls easily stressed and die quickly.

Here are eight tips to be successful in treating the owl :

1 . Suppose owl as a partner

If you are new owl maintain at home, treat them like a partner, and not just as a pet bird as we maintain the birds chirp. In birds chirping, maybe we simply recognize the character of the bird, then give extra feed and fooding (EF), bath-drying, then hang the cage in gantangan, and so on.

Owls can not be treated like that, because he has the intelligence equivalent of parrots (parrot). Owls need even called the owner or caregivers to quickly become tame and make it more trust in the nurse / owner.

If it appears that such beliefs, the birds will feel safe and comfortable when we approached . Therefore, they will not want to escape or run away put in perch without straps.

2 . Do not put in a cage

Should never enter an owl in a cage. Although maybe a little less active, these birds tend to be more stressful and difficult to tame if kept in a cage.

Provide better perch commonly used for cockatoo, with the lacing on his legs and perch. If one does not want to maintain it in a perch like that , you could use a large cage, aviary cage for example.
Use as a perch or perching perched everyday very easy for us in the process of taming the bird. If the birds are docile, he is more easily trained and not easily stressed.

3 . Give food to taste

Plop the owl treatment similar (small owl) is more convenient than other types such as the barn owl. Crickets can be given in the morning and evening, with moderation. Administration can be done by putting crickets in the container/feed tube, then placed in an easily accessible place owl. Feed can also be given by way of thrusting crickets directly into the mouth/beak.

Similarly, drinking water, can be given directly to the bird beak, or put in a container and placed in a location that is within easy reach of birds. For additional feed, you can give him a small fish, small rodents, or "emprit" birds sold in the market at very cheap prices.

Cultivated not give him raw chicken pieces, catfish, and processed meats such as sausages, meatballs and the like . For chicken and catfish generally cultivated spurred by growth substances. Similarly, processed meats, which typically uses chemicals, including preservatives .

In other words, give feed which is one of the food chain owls, the surviving animals.

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