Canary Tips During Rainy Season

Canary Bird
In the early or mid-October in most areas of rain could occur with an intensity that may not have been too great, but lately has begun to frequent rain and may occur during the rainy season which finished around March, so it will indirectly effect on birds that we have including Canary bird.

Basically just the other birds on canary care during the rainy season, just maybe there is a difference in the intake of food given, if for insectivorous birds such as kacer birds and other insect-eating birds are also better reproduced the form of the addition of EF crickets, hongkong caterpillars, and others, but for a canary is a bit different .
There are several ways to anticipate and conditioning so that Canary bird stay fit during the rainy season :

  • In order to reduce the volume of the bath.
  • The addition of extra fooding (EF), a special provision for a canary if quail eggs are usually not every day, then in the rainy season labored to quail eggs are given every day.
  • Giving MultiVitamin is a factor that should not be underestimated, especially concerning that the birds stay fit during the rainy season, many experts recommended by many birds as posted on the internet.
  • Try, if we include people in their daily life at home, when the sun appears whenever emergence, basking segerakan bird though only briefly.
  • At the moment it rains, when the weather is cold outdoors and the birds look cold, better put in a bird house that is warmer and when once it is inserted into the bird house are still visible silence, split the feathers and eyes closed, would be much better given enclosure lid for the bird cage.

So little bird care tips during the rainy season in order to stay healthy and fit.