Types of Swallow Bird / Swiftlet

swallow swiftlet
Swallow Bird / Swiftlet
There are several types of swallows are known in Indonesia, which could result in nest. However, not all nests produced can be consumed and has efficacy. Because environmental conditions are suitable , Indonesia has six types of swallows. Some of these types can be distinguished based on the size of the body, the voice, the color of fur, behavior in making the nest, and the materials used in making the nest. Because birds liked flying in the air, birds often referred to swallow.

Many people argue, that a bird is a bird sriti kite. Sriti birds nesting in the home and the nest can be used to incubate the eggs swallow. Originally, these birds are considered subspecies of the cow swallows almost the same as passing. Fur upper body sriti shiny greenish black and do not have small feathers on top of his big toe. While the cow swallows, feathers covering her shiny bluish black above and toes are small feathers.

All types of swallows have similar body shapes. Swiftlet would rather hang on rocks with sharp claws and using nested in caves or ceiling . Therefore habit landed on the ceiling, in order to capture the bird would nest in the house built.
The following are the types of swallow in Indonesia :

white swallow
White Swallow
a. White Swiftlet  - White Swiftlet, so called because it produces white nests. The swallow feather
blackish brown with fur bottom grayish or brown. Tail feathers slightly porous. His voice was high -pitched. Including medium-sized swallow with a body length of about 12 cm. Dark brown eyes, black beak and black legs. Swallow wing is more rigid and stronger flight also. When he seldom foraging circling low places. Prefer white swiftlet forage near tall trees that there are many small insects. Also often seen gliding into the water for bathing and drinking, then fly lagi.di nature, nest located in rock crevices, or limestone caves that are difficult to achieve. The nest is made entirely of saliva that are expensive and often nest pickers look for birds. The eggs are white, elongated shape. Usually just laying two eggs. White swiftlet nest seasonally, depending on the chosen nesting site.

b. Large Swiftlet  - This type of swallow black with dark brown fur bottom. Tail feathers somewhat porous. His voice is loud and rattling. Is a kind of swallow that big size compared with other types of swallow. Body length about 16 cm.
Because of the larger wings and body, this swallow can fly higher and faster. When flying, it preys on small insects that become food. Swallow's nest in large prefer rock holes (small cave), or in the crevices of rocks near the waterfall. Nest can not be eaten. The nest is cup-shaped, made ​​of a mixture of roots, moss, and fibers. Compared with other types of swallow, swallow nest big including dirty and chaotic. If the spawn is usually only a grain. Color egg white, slightly oval shape. In November and December are usually entered swallow nesting season.

c. Black Nest Swiftlet - Swallow the brown coat color blackish brown with gray tail feathers. Slotted tail feathers a bit. This swallow hairy legs evenly. In terms of body size, it includes a medium-sized. Body length about 12 cm. When viewed at a glance, looks very much like a white swallow. Dark brown eyes, black beak and black legs. Unlike other swallows, this kind of sounding squeak. Swiftlet also eat small insects are snatched when flying. For the location of the nest, preferring the limestone caves. Nest is called black because saliva nests to make a nest feathers mixed with black body. When laying just one egg. The color of the egg white, elongated shape. Swiftlet mating season the same as white. As with white swallow, swallow nest of black also much easier to swallow cultivated compared to other types.

d. Mountain Swiftlet - This bird black color, but the color of the tail blackish gray. Gaps in the tail feathers. Her legs were slightly hairy or not hairy at all. His voice is distinctive rattling sound of the swiftlets. His size is relatively large. Body length about 14 cm. The birds fly in groups quickly near a cliff or mountain peak. Small insects eaten food when flying. Made a nest in the crevices of the rock. Usually the nest is built on the mountain crater. Because it is made from grasses and few or no saliva in nest material , then the mountain swallow nest can not be eaten. In the breeding season, usually laying two eggs.

e. Swallow's Nest of Moss - This bird feathers blackish brown, but color darker tail. The tail is only slightly porous. Seen from a distance, looks like a white swallow. High-pitched voice. His body was medium-sized. Body length about 12 cm.
Swallow this type rarely known because it is hard to find. Nest built on parts of the cave deeper and very difficult to achieve. Strong fly far and high. Rarely circling low near the ground surface. As he flew directly prey on small insects . Nice nest with a smooth surface and a more rounded shape. Moss used for additional nests so-called nest moss nest.

f. Cow Swallows 
This swiftlet hairy bluish black with shiny colors. Dark gray fur bottom, abdomen whitey. The tail is slightly porous. Is a kind of swallow the smallest size. Body length is only about 10 cm. Dark brown eyes, black beak and black legs. His voice was high-pitched. Habitat includes all surface heights, both on the open treeless grassland or forest. This swallow when flying in groups, but not uniform. Swiftlet cows do not fly much stronger. Usually flying low just swirling near the surface of the ground or the river for bathing and drinking. When looking for food, often around the large trees and tall that many insects, especially wasps small. Irregularly shaped nest, consisting of a mixture of moss and grass are glued together with saliva. On the bright gap cave, rock crevice nesting can swallow a cow. When the spawn is usually just two points. The eggs are white and slightly oval. Nesting swallows cow does not depend on the season, he could be nested throughout the year.