8 Tips on Successfully Maintaining Owls (Part 2)

Part 1

5 . Often talking to an owls

It seems like an odd suggestion, bird can talk ? If trained parrots may still be able to reply with a short sentence or a series of words. Well, owls can not talk right. One-one, other people will think we do not see a sane, because talking to himself (lol). But that's one way to speed up the process of taming and building a bond between the owner/nurse and owls. Keep each meet greet , like " helo ... " , " how are you ... " , and so on.

This will make a habit of greeting owl comfortable and feel cared for. When feeding, you can also speak to him. In addition to speeding up the process of domestication, greeting like this could prevent the birds from the potential stress. If the owl until the stress, she often hunger strike, so finally did fall ill and die .

6 . Give a gentle touch

Apparently that is needed is not just a human touch. Amendment owl was touched or stroked the owner or nurse. When you touch it, especially at the top of his head, please see the expression on his face. Birds will definitely feel comfortable. The combination of frequent greeting, talking to him, as well as providing a soft touch on his head, will give a remarkable effect so quickly tame bird , easily trained , and can be governed in accordance with what you want.

7 . Turn off the lights at midnight

Well, that 's also noteworthy. Just because nocturnal aka night bird, owl then left the room with the lights blazing. In the middle of the night, usually after dinner, the lights should be turned off so that the room into darkness.

Perhaps instead we as the owner/nurses who have trouble seeing dark room conditions, but the owl has capabilities not human. So, it's ok, just let the bird overnight is in a dark place without light. Precisely bright light will disturb the bird, or make it often suffers anxiety.

8 . Calm and do not panic

Every time I was in front of the owl, try to always be calm and do not panic. What if we were bitten and scratched , the initial process of domestication ? Yes it was, stay calm and do not panic. If you show panic, owls typically come panic and stress, not eating, with the result that you can guess yourself.

But, you also do not get injured just because they want to tame owl. The solution, if it is still in the early stages of domestication, it is advisable to use leather gloves, keep your hand safe from the possibility of injury from being bitten or scratched owl. That's eight tips to be successful in treating the owl, both types plop, a barn owl, and so on. Most important in the early stages of nurturing is the process of domestication, so that the birds have confidence in us as the owner/nurse.

If owls are docile, the training process can be given that owls have special abilities.

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