Bird Food - Parakeet Food

Parakeet Food
Parakeet Food

Parakeets staple food is small seeds such as millet, white millet, red millet, corn, brown rice and some kind of other grains. Parakeet bird species including one that is not too fussy eating. If it is too hungry to eat a wooden cage will also be crushed to vent his hunger. When we are ready to maintain the good parakeets for pets, business or research then that should be considered is about the food. Although relatively easy affair grain quality to be provided must be considered, so that the bird's health is maintained so that it will look at all the excellent performances marked the shiny fur color, body posture 'muscular' not skinny. Legs and beak looks sturdy.

Therefore there is a special tip when choosing the bird feed our pet :
Parakeet Food
Parakeet Food
  • Choose colors such as millet or barley feed that looks bright and actually contains. It was a sign that the food is still fresh. There are times in the feed merchant that sells old stock feed. Maybe lonely times yes. So if not careful we got the feed grain quality is less marked grain weight is much lighter aka hollow (containing less).
  • When choosing a kilogram of feed directly from the merchant's good that feed our selection by soaking water for a minute so that the grains are empty float so that we can filter and discard. Good grain will sink. After soaking and drying immediately we filter the sun's heat in order for the feed in the dry state in storage to avoid mildew. Keep in mind that moldy feed is very harmful for health parakeets.
  • Another way is after we soak/wash the grains we toasted (fried without oil) while we add a little salt minerals/vitamins or kitchen (additional supplement).
  • If we choose food that have become/stay package we give shape directly.

Additional food such as vegetables such as bean sprouts or corn is preferred parakeet. The foods we can give once a week to compensate for the nutritional adequacy of sassy colors.

One more thing that is important is the provision of a grid or a mineral stone that can be drawn from cuttlefish skin or red brick collision. The purpose of giving these grids that provide minerals to the parakeet needs while helping the process of digestion.

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